here's an old one out of my phone camera that I never got around to blogging....
a few months back I was on the MTR and I noticed something strange on the guy standing next to me in the train.
My years of practice allowed me to surreptitiously snap this photo:
whats that? some kind of clip on his ear with a wire coming out? what the hell is that?
I couldn't fathom what it could be... not an earpiece? bone conducting headphones? maybe a heart rate monitor or some sort of medical system?
Then a few stops later the guy sat down and I got the full view:
WTF?!? they're clip-to-your-ear headphones? (he was playing with a phone or mp3 player connected to these things).
Totally ridiculous looking! who would buy these things? who would use them in public even if someone gave them to you as a present? Has anyone seen these before? I can't even find anything like this online.
Looks like he's about to try and jump start his brain. :-D
Would you wear headphones like this?
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