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Saikung 07: chapter 3

While I was back in the US I missed out on not one, but TWO boat trips... (after going on two in the month of june)  so after hearing how much fun I had missed out on, I knew i couldn't pass up the next one.   僕はアメリカ行った時、香港の友達2回船パーティした!参加なかった!残念!それから次のパーテイ機会があったとき、もちろん参加した。

Emily invited us to join her and her friends on a really nice, high end rental package leaving from Causeway Bay and going out to Saikung Bay (西貢灣).   We met up at 10:30am on a sunday (which was quite difficult for some to do!)  and grabbed our boat...


OK, I'm being a bit misleading, that wasn't our boat,  ours wasn't quite so fancy, but the boat we had was pretty nice.  We got an 'all you can eat and drink deal'... which turned out to be totally worth it.  the crew was really nice too... they tried very hard to stuff us with food and get everyone drunk...


Of course the view on the way out was amazing! 

I had never taken a trip from down here, so it was great - getting to ride around in HK harbor and soak in the scenery.  I was tempted to just ask them to go around in circles in the harbor instead of going out to Saikung...


It was still a bit overcast as we made our way out along HK Island towards Clearwater Bay and Saikung Bay...  this is somewhere near Taikoo I think.


Anyway, let me cut to the chase and refer you to the cool video I compiled from the whole day, this includes the trip out, what we did while we were there (swimming, jumping off the top of the boat into the water, etc, and then cruising back): 今回僕はビデオ撮った。見て:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h44zEC41yzI

Here's a few of the nicer stills from the day too: もと写真が見て:

This boat had a nice cushion area on top w/ a canopy so you could enjoy the cool breeze w/o worrying about sunburn (which is something I do all the time).  この船絢爛豪華ですよ!

Berton, me, Pat and J.To...

We ended up heading out to the same island we had anchored at during my last trip (the one where the torrential rains fell).  It was packed w/ boats,  but our captain was quite insane, he drove in w/o hardly slowing down and then made a super tight turn only a few feet off shore before dropping anchor.   六月の船パーテイの同じ浜の湾へ行った。今回天気良かったから、他の船一杯!

btw, we passed another one of those gaps in the rocks that makes a natural tunnel through the middle of an island.  this isn't the biggest one i've seen out here, but its pretty cool.    a good place to evade any police chasing you...

As you saw in the video,  lots of jumping off the top of the boat into the water:

I was waiting for my sunscreen to dry, so I refrained this time.  I brought my snorkel and flippers and snorkeled into shore (they brought a cooler and set up a tent on the beach for us too!) 


Back on board we got a pretty sweet lunch.  very impressive. 


I had already changed out of my swimsuit, but the rest of the people risked stomach cramps and resumed their diving and swimming:

Boon, recreating what happened that time he forgot to put the seat down.  Pat impersonating a FOB.... and Stephen... he always looks like he's about to drown when he's swimming.  Not pictured Emily, Eric, or any of Emily's friends... doh. :-P


Terence came out late (of course) but enjoyed the second half of the cruise...  Here's T and J.to on our way back.  He said the picture wouldn't come out! he was wrong! :-D


By the time we got back to the pier, the sun was getting low... here's two shots artificially rosy using my camera's 'sunset' setting.  Another great view!


We're trying to figure out when we can do the next one using this same company... looks like we gotta wait til Sept 1st! :-P

ps - before you ask - i managed to make it through the day with only a little sunburn... my cheeks were a bit red when i got home but they're ok today,  and there was a ~9" x ~3" strip in the middle of my back that I neglected to hit with sunscreen (yet again).  More proof that Banana Boat 50 SPF REALLY REALLY REALLY works, cause the rest was perfectly fine.  the trick is to make sure it dries before you go in the water. :-P


大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  23 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
everything was pretty perfect... except maybe the gender ratio... :-P
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
except for the fact that it was like 34 degrees and 95% humidity... the ocean breeze doesn't penetrate into the city... :-P
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
the scuba people are a different group (work people), but soon they will be merged! I have learned from patrick that all must join the great circle! we start scuba class tomorrow!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 23833
Hey man, Should've came to Day 2! =P it was so FUN! and haven't seen you in months! come out more often!~
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
suntan lotion: the banana boat tube or the watery coppertone bottle that was upstairs? (that wasn't mine, and didn't seem to work as well). Banana Boat!!!
大约 17 年 ago
Photo 23833
Yes yes, Boat Trip! For SURE!!!
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
no, i don't have any at home. :-P its still a bit red but it doesn't hurt anymore... pretty much. :-D
大约 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
toothpaste? wouldn't that sting after a while?
大约 17 年 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007