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Korean Movie Review - "Romantic Comedy" (좋은 사람 있으면 소개 시켜줘)

An interesting Korean romantic comedy with a not very original English title of " Romantic Comedy" (Korean title = 좋은 사람 있으면 소개 시켜줘 ).

One thing that differentiates this from the standard romantic comedy formula is that this one mainly focuses on the woman's perspective, played well by Sin Eun-kyeong ( 신은경 from 'My Wife Is a Gangster').  Her character works for a match making service but meets the trouble maker client who can't find a match.  It turns out the guy, played by Jeong Joon-ho (yes, the same guy as my Korean Movie review yesterday!) is actually a good catch and she and her coworkers start fighting over him.   Throw in a couple of old ex's and long story short everyone lives happily ever after.  5/10. decent but not really great.

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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