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Jun Kung and Qiu Hong @ We Love Live!

on Saturday I went to Hitec to see the Converse X MOOV We Love Live event.  We got there late, so we missed the first three bands unfortunately! 

but we were in time for Qiu Hong! after that it was the finale,   Jun Kung,  very handsome man...  joined on stage by some great musicians, including Eugene Pao.and this guy,  i call him the world's most over educated roadie... :-Dthe crowd really enjoyed the music.and of course a few free Junk Unit t-shirts don't hurt either. ;-)Jun forcibly recruited a special guest on stage,  a well known singer named Maria.  She apparently did not know she was going to get drafted, but was a good sport and entertained the audience w/ some impromptu jamming! After the show, Jun's band + support crew.he stopped for some autographs for the fans,  if you've never seen the cover photos on some of Jun's early music, check it out, its quite entertaining! I totally didn't recognize him! Question:what is going on here?believe it or not, but the previous photo was taken BEFORE this picture... :-Pgreat job Jun!  looking forward to more shows! 

over 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
woah, i should've went to see this
over 15 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
looks like a klan meeting in an alternate universe
over 15 years ago
The show (and after-party) was a lot of fun, as evidenced by the hats!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
dreamy - KKK or catholic bishops?
over 15 years ago


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