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Boat Trip #3 - Good Weather!

its ironic, the boat trip with really bad weather we had like 35 people.. the boat trip with really good weather, we have only 21 people come. :-P


On the way to Saikung Bay -  This time... the weather was pretty nice... at least up until the last hour or so at Clearwater Bay.  It was hot, but still a bit breezy.

Not that this photo is 100% representative... but unlike our previous trips, this one was also gender balanced quite well in our favor... 11 girls and only 10 guys.  Yeah for no sausage parties!

Water was nice,  not too warm, but not really cold.  Yet again, Stephen was the first one in the water.

Seems like the name of the game is jumping off the top deck (while etchy takes a picture).

I tempted fate and swam quite a bit this time... luckily no apparently sunburns... i may have gotten even gotten a bit tan? :-P

Lunch! 美味しかった!

After we ate, when almost everyone was out of the water we saw this gigantic jellyfish swimming off the side of the boat, it was the size of a manhole cover almost...  this seriously may be the biggest jellyfish in all of the South China Sea, the crew of the boat was quite amazed to, saying they've never seen anything this big before.

and then... some abusing of the ship's structural members:

And then more swimming -

When we got back to the pier in CWB we took a group picture... i'm sure someone will load it soon.   I took a group self-portrait instead... :-P

about 16 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
mindy - no its included w/ the boat package.
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
mio - there's at least one more in sept.
about 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
lvl021 - what do you think! ;-)
about 16 years ago


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