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AnD Diesel Wing Shya Photo Exhibit

As some of you guys may know, Terence/ Dan/ Patrick/et al set up a really cool collaboration between Alivenotdead.com,  Diesel Clothing company and Wing Shya, who is an awesome photographer who helped take some of the original 'Alive' photos for the old Alivenotdead.com.

Last night was the opening event for the photo exhibit.  There were two parts, a reception at the photo exhibit and then a party/concert upstairs with ' 24 Herbs' and World Famous DJ Dan 'The Automator' Nakamura.

昨日晩僕達の会社はDieselと有名な撮影者 Wing Shya一緒大エベントした。二部が有った、第一部:写真展始まるパーティー、第二部:24味とDan The Automator (有名アメリカからDJ)の音楽ショ有った。 今夜僕の日本人友達あちゃん一緒参加した。事務所から香港のトラムでエベント所へ行った。

My friend あちゃん came along with us.  We all met up in the AnD office, and since it wasn't too far to the party venue, we took the tram:

We were decked out in our AnD gear (Except for あちゃん, who was too elegant for a T-shirt)  Bob came along too with the profane shirt...



When we got to the venue it was quite chaotic out front,  photographers,  security, guestlist people, etc...

Patrick was trying to straight stuff out... お外門。賑やかよ

Most people were arriving fashionably late, but Rosanne (黃婉君) and her sister Race (2R) were the exception,  here's Rozy posing for me after taking a picture w/ Wing Sha (to her right) for the press.

お外でPress撮影者一杯が居た。有名なStar来た時、一寸Poseした。これは Rosanne Wong(黃婉君)です。2R Pop Duoの女。綺麗ですね!

I didn't get to get a good look around, since things were busy for us, but I did get to spend a few minutes in the cool room full of Wing's Polaroids:

Millions and millions!  (well hundreds and hundreds at least)


It was really a 'who's who' of Asian entertainment.  I didn't recognize everyone, but there were a few I did (can you find Aaron Kwok and Karen Mok in the above picture?  Bonus points if you recognized Andy Lau's nose...)

誰でも有名な人の写真。Wing Shya は香港と中国と台湾の興行界の誰でもを撮った! アーロン・クオックとカレン・モクの写真見えますか?アンでィー・ラウもみつけますか?

OK, I had to take one nerdy shot...  


Actually the most important part of the exhibition is here:

  This is what Boon and I spent most of the last 3-4 days working on (boon on the PC interface, me on prepping the videos and the stupid last minute DVD! ( interlacing, I hate you!)


After only looking around for about 10-15 minutes, I traded places with Pat and handled the door.  It was cool cause I got to see all the people come in and meet a lot of AnD related artists and their friends who were able to attend.


Like Phat, who performed later with 24 herbs...

Also I got to see the photographers photoing the guests:

The beautiful Miss Jolie Chan,  we need to get her on the site already!

ジョリー・チャン (陳苑淇)です。

The picture didn't come out so well, but it was funny when a tour bus passed by and all the people started taking pictures of our event. ;-)


Sam Lee came out too.  He was cool,  I gave him an Alivenotdead.com hat,  he better start wearing it!  btw, thats none other than Li Xiaolu in the back there.  You may remember her from 'Blood Brothers'...

サム・リーですよ。後ろはリー・シャオルー(李小璐)です。「 天堂口」の女です。

Conroy and his entourage show up fashionably late...


The 24 guys pose for the photographers. 24味です!

Here's a brief clip I took of 2R (Rosanne and Race) doing an interview with some of the press:ロザンヌ・ウォンと妹レイスの面談のビデオを撮った: 

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwEA1Njb96o


After about 40 minutes outside,  I switched out and caught the tale end of the show party:

AnD artists Robert Vicencio, Li-Tong and Byron Mann.  AnDの芸の人一杯だった!

Sorry I didn't get better pictures of the gallery,  but its open to the public for the next two weeks, go check it out!  ( click here for details) この写真展に週営業中です。香港に居たら、行ってください!

ps - I'll be putting up my pictures (and video) of the concert/party tomorrow. stay tuned! ;-)


pps - I've made this tread to collect blogs and links to news about the event:


News/Blogs/Photos from Diesel/AnD Party Oct 11 '07

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  20 评论s  0 shares
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
Looks like you guys did a good job and had a great time!
接近 17 年 ago
Great blog ah! interlacing, its a real pain in the neck,
接近 17 年 ago
01 04 andrew
oh man, miss a great party. Hey pal, miss you guys already.:(((
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
renren: where was that? in the US?
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
renren: oh, i 'll have to ask her about that if i see her again. i used to work there you know! :-P
接近 17 年 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007