My first night back in Beijing I went to Sunlitun Village to meet some people for dinner. This place was well known as an international bar area back when I was here before, but fast forward 5 years later, and now there's a giant mall filled w/ international brand stores (adidas, uniqlo, nike, puma, apple, etc).
I ran into a familiar face as soon as I got out of the taxi:
Jet Li, modeling his
'Wu Ji' collaboration with adidas.
Inside they had a full room dedicated to the collection:
featuring a video of Jet talking about Wu Ji, some posters and mannequins with the clothes...
not just any regular mannequins, these ones were doing taiji!
Nice, except why no shoes?! :-P
its hard to see, but thats the Wu Ji logo mosiac, where each of the dots is actually made up of taiji poses.
here's a close-up of the purple version, not sure if you can see the pixels well though.
anyway, its cool to see Jet getting a prominent featuring at an international chain's flagship store in Beijing...
Jia you Jet!
update: I went over there again tonight and found them dismantling this whole display! good thing I got it all captured on film (digital). its all gone now! :-(
tags: Jet Li Wu Ji adidas wushu taiji clothing by adidas
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