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24Herbs in Bangkok - Asian Hip Hop Festival Performance

I actually didn't get to take a lot of pics or video during the show because I was busy taking much better photos with Eddie's fancy camera... 土曜日晩24味男はアシア・ヒプ・ホプ・フェスタで演じた。エディの高カメラも使ったから、僕のカメラであまり撮れなかったけど、ちょっとビデオと何枚写真が有る。見て下さい!

But here's what I did get -

Video: http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=E8DQIWoJyRQ

Actually I have a bit more, but I thought I'd keep it short and to the point,  24 did a pretty good job engaging the crowd and showing them their stuff!

Here's some of my not very good stills too:

Much better photos (photos taken on a much better camera) can be found here in 24Herbs' blog about the concert.

Etchy's Review of 24Herbs at the Asian Hip-Hop Festival:   OK, obviously I am biased, but 24 did a pretty good job representing Hong Kong hip-hop, especially in comparison to some of the other performances.  I don't mean to say that 24's rap skills are superior or they are more 'hip-hop' than anyone else,  but rather I mean to say they prepared a better performance for the situation.  Unlike some of the other groups, they focused more on interactivity with the crowd... much more than the cliched 'make some noise!' type demands while running through a song list.

It is important to keep in mind that these were international bands from several different Asian countries performing before a primarily Thai crowd,  99% of whom were not particularly familiar with any of the band's music.    Also English was the de facto language of communication, whether or not they could actually speak English well... AND most of the act's songs were in their native languages w/ English sprinkled in.

So I think this is another place where 24 differentiated themselves, they spoke (and rapped) with good enough English that I think their set was able to still be entertaining for people who don't understand Cantonese...

Also, perhaps most importantly,   they worked in some beats and lyrics from popular songs (Rage against the Machine + Nirvana) that everyone can identify with...  trust me, it helps in connecting with an audience!

And then their was the dancing! 

Tomorrow I'll try to upload some more video clips and stills of the other performers...  

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Hong Kong
April 13, 2007