I saw this while clicking around on Tom.com's news section:
An entire 13 story building under construction collapsed at 6am on June 27th. Not sure if they know exactly why yet.
According to this report, at least 1 person died in the collapse.
Its pretty sturdy though, it stayed in one piece!
wow, if you pre-bought one of the condos in the next tower over, I'm guessing you've just decided to rethink your next move. :-P
from - http://post.news.tom.com/s/9A000AB2967.html 东方网记者乔礼、毛丽君、曹磊、杜丽华6月27日报道:今晨六时许,上海市莲花南路莲花河畔小区 一幢在建13层楼房倒塌。东方网记者事发后立即赶赴现场,但警方拒绝记者进入。据目击者称,现场有人死亡,但东方网目前还未得到进一步证实( 经新华网消息证实,已有一名工人死亡)。 东方网记者在现场看到,现场严格警戒,任何闲人和记者都不允许入内。很多警方人员在现场维持秩序,还有救护车在事发现场。 一位目击者告诉东方网记者,他用手机拍下了从现场抬出来的一个人人,那人被白布包裹着,很可能已经死亡。据说,这个人是今天早晨进楼拿工具的工人。 据新华网报道, 在事故中丧身的工人为安徽籍民工,姓肖,28岁。事发时,他正在楼里取工具,楼房倒塌前他未来得及逃出不幸丧生 。 5555s.com 5555s.com 5555s.comtags: Photofunnia, 5555s.com, michael jackson, shanghai building falls over, 9/11 conspiracy, building collapse, government conspiracy, 9/11 truth, osamabinladen in china, shanghai collapse
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