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Disturbia (2007)


| Entry | This one was on the 'VOD' system and since i had seen most everything i wanted to, I decied to check this one out. Its a strange hybrid between a teenage romantic comedy and Hitchcock's 'Rear Window' (seriously!) - think Judge Reinhold peeping at Phoebe Cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High + Jimmy Stewart watching a murder through binoculars from his bedroom window... all in the same movie!

That might sound weird, but it sort of kind of works (one or the other would have probably been better, but i guess this way they can grab twice as big an audience). the guy from Transformers Shia La-Whats-his-name, manages yet again to successfully get his mack on w/ a girl who is way out of his league...

In this case he's an angry teen who is sentenced to house arrest for the summer for punching his student. he gets the whole ankle bracelet thing, which forces him to stay at home... which leads to an unhealthy fixation on spying on people... including his hot new neighbor... AND the possible serial killer who lives across the street. I'll give this one a 6/10.

ps - It felt like the Asian kid (Aaron Yoo) was trying really hard to channel John ('the MILF guy') Cho the whole time, it kind of bugged me...

about 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
maybe his hunky great grandfather had it as a nickname...
about 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
according to wikipedia he got into yale but didn't go because of the acting... he's no Natalie Portman! (harvard!)
about 17 years ago


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