Merry X'Mas & happy New Year!!!!!
I uploaded some new photos~~!!
I passed the Exam~!!
Super Busy ~~~~~
Tomorrow have a Exam,
Just very workhard to studying~~~!!!!!!!
I hope I can pass~~!!!!!!!!
Oh God.......
My computer have problem again!!!!
Why always happen to me!? Really unlucky!
Unbelieveable......This computer is new (just few months).....Too bad!!!!
I'm in UK now!!
Just arrived 2 days~!!
The feeling is so....relax...
But I miss my friends too~~
Take care~!!
鄭伊娜 香港亞洲電視女藝人 ATV“每日一歌“、“通識小學堂“、“星動亞洲“、“微播天下“、亞洲星空下之“潮汕之旅“、“清遠消遙遊“、 “番禺遊園樂多fun”、“廣州番禺夏日之旅“、主持, ATV亞洲星光大道「星級舞鬥」,2010歐洲名人時尚雜誌模特選舉冠軍,,\"仁美清叙\"會員.曾任小童