Bye Taiwan , thank you! #emmatravels #emmacheng #flyinglife
Met a old good friend somewhere you never expect is really amazing , especially when you are traveling around the world! ? #emmatravels #oldfriend #starzpeople #model #lovelymoment #reunion #imissyou #taiwan #goodplace #friendship
飄過了大海,願風風雨雨都可以避開?? #emmatravels #emmacheng #flyinglife #selfie
It will be a long day? #emmatravels #emmacheng #hotellife #relax
?????? #goodnight #fuckingworld #每天來點負能量
Whiskey bar after hot pot , I choose #oldfashion #emmatravels #emmacheng #whiskeybar #whiskey #yum
To celebrate another end of the day, exhausted to the max? #emmatravels #hotpot
嗯。 #emmatravels #emmacheng #hotel #life #selfie #mirror
Food hunting ????? #emmatravels #emmacheng #taipei
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