今天?底找到這些,thank you for letting me feeling so much love ? #lorealhk #loreal #lorealparishk #christmasgift #christmastree #loveintheair
今日真的好像派成績表,努力了一小段日子到審判日真的好緊張,然後我成功了,真心有d想喊,多謝大家既鼓勵!? I don't know what is my next step, time will tell???
Thank you @kellynylau sending me the lovely Christmas gift! Will put under the ? once I go home ??????? #d&g #thankyou #dolceandgabbana #lovely #christmas #santa #lipstick #emmacheng #modellife
Never regret anything has happened in your life that cannot be changed, undone and forgotten. So take it as a lesson, learn and move on? Please call me at 11am to make sure I'm awake tmr? many many thinking just can't sleep easily ???
Let's pick up something, learn something new(支筆咁貴一定要努力學習???) ? 話哂都讀書人連寫條線都畫唔到好失敗〰 #calligraphy #something #new
Winter is just for love? #love #in #the #air #emmacheng #emmatravels #winter #queenstowngarden #nz #cantwaittogoback #queenstown #grassland #lake #enjoy #the #cold #weather