送給我的小情人 《#寶貝兒》
歌曲於各大音樂平台同步推出! Click the link in the bio to check out my new song!
Hello everyone! I’m 19days old today!
Photographer: @myhemababy #myhemababy
今天是立春,新的一年又開始了! 祝大家健健康康! 快快樂樂!
Photographer : @myhemababy #myhemababy
All these years you have been amazing. As a dad to our kids and as my lover, I have been happy in your arms and I could see that we’ll be happier for the rest of our days. Thank you for everything! No one else in the world would understand me the way you do! Je t’aime pour toujours! Happy 3rd anniversary BéBé D! #togetherwemakeafamily #3rdanniversary #Maurellet #皮婚 #throwback2014 #preweddingphoto
BéBé A 過咗12朝啦!我準備咗 鴻福堂Hung Fook Tong 豬腳薑醋禮卡俾我嘅屋企人同朋友,等大家同我一齊呷下醋 ?
話說今次陀BéBé A嘅時候,我飲咗鴻福堂有機滴雞精,精神比陀上一胎時無咁易攰!佢哋呢款滴雞精選用歐盟認證嘅有機雞,100%無添加,不含激素及抗生素。新出嘅升級版仲唔洗雪,好啱坐月中嘅媽媽補身!今次我幫大家爭取到優惠呀 ??
只要大家喺全線鴻福堂分店出示呢個post,就可以75折優惠價$397購買一盒有機滴雞精禮盒裝(1盒10包)啦! 優惠碼:0011802171 產品詳情:https://goo.gl/EH9Fpx
I still remember the day I prayed for the things I have now! #grateful #blessed #inloveforalifetime #lovebeingmama #GabrielAntonioMaurellet #27months #BéBéG #AurélieHélèneMaurellet #BéBéA
Just when you think you know love, something little comes along to remind you just how big it really is. #thewonderfuljourneyofpregnancy #inloveforalifetime #lovebeingmama
Did you know that there are many proven and potential benefits of cord blood and cord stem cells? They have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, high proliferation capacity and low risk of viral contamination. We only choose the best for our baby, so we chose HealthBaby cord blood bank again to store Aurélie’s cord blood and cord tissue to safeguard her health. I highly recommend expectant parents to take the initiative to understand the importance of cord blood bank because I believe this is a great gift to protect the health of our baby.