RT @RickSports10: @CaseySports10 Had to look up the NBA rule.....Let debate begin.....Is this goaltending or not on LeBron? "Player shal…
Keep going please https://t.co/4wKSfOz1qc
只希望這不是 Manu 的最後一刻!
還是要恭喜勇士順利晉級次圈 最後幾分鐘馬刺力追至落後兩分 關鍵時刻失誤還是多 三分依然沒有改進 勇士今天三分更爛 但他們有KD和KT LaMarcus… https://t.co/9NPAi5ScWs
76人今天成功以總場數4-1淘汰熱火出局,教練 Brett Brown… https://t.co/F4vqbvPU7w
這是 Brad Stevens 的完美部署??️
肯定的是今場 Celtics 有 Marcus Smart 提前傷癒復出,令球隊防守力顯著提升,Bucks… https://t.co/2c2qOV3sgG
費城 Rapper meekmill 終於自由了!經過多番上訴後,前日獲費城最高法院接納並得到釋放,費城76人老闆之一 Michael Rubin 更安排直升機接 Meek Mill… https://t.co/gDc8huaKlX
RT @BleacherReport: Sixers co-owner announces Meek Mill is free https://t.co/jNdwOebKR1
Shocked and saddened by the tragedy that took place at Yonge & Finch… https://t.co/v0g3B61nKW
Prayers to all victims
What has this world become? Sigh
Phttp://www.680news.com/2018/04/23/numerous-pedestria… https://t.co/jOX4CuvVkg
A 183cm Aquarius returned to Hong Kong from Canada in 2005. NBA Commentator in LeSports HK & NBA GLOBAL GAMES China official game MC since 2007.