「魔獸」終於有地方落腳了!華盛頓巫師以中產條例 (Mid-level exception) 與 Dwight Howard 簽約一年,但巫師需要等待他和籃網正式買斷合約,再通過讓渡名單 (clear waiver) 後,才能夠落實… https://t.co/j49SmQd8TX
RT @SportsCenter: End of an era. (via @TomLivingston5) https://t.co/GFVcq5SSKS
感謝洲立影視邀請出席 uncledrewfilm 在香港的首映禮,#傳鬥士 #Mediators 一班老兵也出動支持,喜歡籃球的朋友一定要去看,必定讓你會心一笑。
P. S. @SHAQ goes all out & "ALL… https://t.co/qA8v104uOE
RT @wojespn: Sources on ESPN: Oklahoma City Thunder star Paul George informs franchise that he is not opting into final year of his contrac…
RT @Timberwolves: It's been his way. His refuge.
It's more than a game for @CallMe_NonStop. https://t.co/p9w8OBYFKP
RT @30for30: “What if I told you... Thunder buddies weren’t for life?”
Maybe some day... #30for30 https://t.co/LCOwbSCs8y
第二屆NBA頒獎禮,各獎項的結果似乎已呼之欲出,早前聯盟亦已公佈今年的終生成就獎(Lifetime Achievement Award),將會由「三雙王」 Oscar Robertson 奪得。
雖然近兩年 Oscar 的三雙紀… https://t.co/0wWjLcy1Yv
一連三天主持國際龍舟賽,現場熱不可擋,必須要有副酷爆的太陽眼鏡,好好平衡一下熱度 ? Thank you Joe @j2o3e for always "keeping me cool" ?
A 183cm Aquarius returned to Hong Kong from Canada in 2005. NBA Commentator in LeSports HK & NBA GLOBAL GAMES China official game MC since 2007.