Rocking different looks all at the same time. #perksofanactor #lovewhatido #actors
Big thanks to my aunt to help me with the hair.
And now, to get back my hairstyle before I shaved.
And then I was supposed to send this picture over to the production team as a prop.
The almightybald1too @almightybald1
I love my new hairstyle now. But first a selfie to celebrate the new 20s look.
At least I don't have to go skinhead. #lovewhatido #actors
The things you do for comedy. #kopitime #actors #lovewhatido
Since I got a new wig #stunnedlikevegetable
So there's a Mister Bean cafe called Teddy & Me.
To live in the and be truthful under imaginary; that is what to be an actor. The world is your stage.
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