恭喜@hocheungping 導演的新戲「春嬌與志明」。我笑到差d拉尿。 Congrats to 'Love in the Buff' director Pang Ho Cheung for a job well-done. I almost peed myself laughing.Read more
為了慶祝#香港國際電影節# ,昨日在六小時內連看兩部電影。雖然故事,性質,和感覺都很不一樣,「桃姐」和「春嬌興志明」是兩套感人,好睇的電影。看這些作品令我對香港電影業有重新的希望。Good job to all involved! To celebrate the Hong Kong International Film Festival, I watched two films yesterday. While they are wildly different in feel, style, and topic matter, 'A Sim...Read more
今期的「君子」January 2012 No.278 訪問了我和節目拍檔Becky 。Becky 和我已經多次試開過名貴車,但那天我們只是享受做乘客的樂趣。這輛supercar最特別的地方就是飛機式坐位。棒! Check out this month's Esquire January 2012 No.278 in which I get to take a ride in a luxury supercar with reclining airplane-style seats. "Home, Smithers!"Read more
Will appear in 8pm sitcom 'Til Love Do Us Lie' tomorrow night. Got a chance to work with some seasoned actors, which was a real treat for me. Hoping to do more acting in 2012! Read more
我最常見的問題是:「西裝先生,你會不會做飯?」答案是「會」!其實我很喜歡煮東西吃,不論是中菜,西菜,日本菜等。在2012希望多在家做飯,跟大家分享更多我做的菜的相片。今天先為大家送上一個火腿火雞法包三文治。 Yes, I cook. I just don't cook as much as I'd like to because of my schedule. In 2012, I plan to spend more time in the kitchen and will hopefully have more pics to share. Here&...Read more
愛車的朋友,再送給你一張! Here's another one for the car lovers out there! I haven't been this excited about a car in awhile. Can't wait to take this bad boy for a spin!!Read more
今天「港生活 港享受」,和@李璧琦Becky 一起體驗豪華房車。後坐的車門是向前開的,你喜歡嗎? Got to shoot another dream car this morning. I've seen the forward-opening rear doors of this car before but got to experience it up close for the first time. Brilliant design...I can get used to it. Might have to buy one of thes...Read more
祝大家聖誕快樂,節日愉快! Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Forget presents, cherish your loved ones.
"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."