嘩!巨蝦! "Giant shrimp" is not an oxymoron.
Throwback to Starbucks Christmas event from a few weeks ago. Excited about Christmas!
Mr. Suit would like to welcome two new members to his family. You will be expected to work hard and look good at all times.
All smiles at last week's TVB poon choi banquet.
Last night's TVB poon choi banquet. Why do I look like Beaker? #fml
Esquire 「Man at His Best」頒獎典禮--忙碌古仔。
Chatting onstage with the omnipresent Louis Koo at the Esquire "Man at His Best" Awards Presentation. @esquire @esquirehk #esquirehk #manathisbest #古天樂 #louiskoo #manathisbestawards #men #testosterone #desmondso #mrsuit #蘇頌輝 #西裝先生 #gentlemen
Esquire 「Man at His Best」頒獎典禮--青雲大哥。
Chatting onstage with "Hong Kong's leading man" Sean Lau at the Esquire "Man at His Best" Awards Presentation. @esquire @esquirehk #esquirehk #manathisbest #劉青雲 #seanlau #manathisbestawards #men #testosterone #desmondso #mrsuit #蘇頌輝 #西裝先生 #gentlemen
Esquire 「Man at His Best」頒獎典禮--劉偉強導演。
Chatting onstage with Director Andrew Lau at the Esquire "Man at His Best" Awards Presentation. @esquire @esquirehk #esquirehk #manathisbest #manathisbestawards #men #testosterone #desmondso #mrsuit #蘇頌輝 #西裝先生 #gentlemen
"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."