Massively successful, humbly down-to-earth. That's a true star. (Eat your heart out, Ladies!) Celeb Series 3 of 20
Fighting the on a Monday morning.
真的像我嗎?Is this what I'd look like as a Minion?
Starting in about 10 mins! Tune in and listen on RTHK Radio 2.
Lady in red.
Celeb Series 2 of 20.
跟候嘉明喝咖啡跟談禮儀。這個星期六早上9-10,記得聽香港電台第二台「A+專才」! One of my favorite media personalities and I talk etiquette this coming Saturday on "A+ Listers", RTHK Radio 2, from 9-10am. So much fun hanging out with this gal, @alysonhau!
@rthk #rthk #rthk2 #etiquette #eastwestinstituteofappliedetiquette #alysonhau #候嘉明 #desmondso #蘇頌輝 #DezEsq #DezEsqoffice #西裝紳士 #manners #a+listers #a+專才
"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."