Today's breakfast...shrugs, lateral pull-ups, and goblet squats.
One of the funnest events on my work calendar!
好的東西會一路繼續用... When I find a good thing, I stick with it. And this is true of people and things... Thank you, my dear friends at NARS Hong Kong.
瑞典設計 x 對文具的熱情會擦出什麼火花?
I'm a self-proclaimed "stationery freak" and can spend hours in a stationery store browsing journals, boxes, pens, etc. Looks like I'll be spending time at newly opened Swedish design x stationery store kikki.K in Times Square... @kikkik_loves
A final pic from a once-in-a-lifetime trip. This is what happens when snorkeling x water polo x joy.
Props to the photographer!
I'm officially announcing that I will be staying here indefinitely.
"Life is like a box of chocolates -- you never know what you're going to get."