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Daniel Wu
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Holy Crap pt. 2!!! | 難以置信!!! |难以置信!!!

Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/v/hMnk7lh9M3o

My friend from New York, Aaron sent this to me. It is so hilarious! It's about 1500 prisoners in the Phillipines doing the Michael Jackson Thriller dance. For you young kinds out there, look up the original video. So many questions...why? how? what for?I can't believe they organized so many people to do this. The girl is super funny and the Micael Jackson guy looks like Yao Ming. So awesome! Cracks me up!

| 紐約的朋友Aaron給我發來了這個短片,真是太搞笑了!1500名菲律賓囚犯一起跳Michael Jackson的Thriller。年輕人應該去看看原作。很多問題…為什麽?怎麽做到的?目的是什麽?真不敢相信他們組織這麽多人跳這個舞。跳舞的女生非常好玩,扮演Micael Jackson的領舞長得象姚明。令人驚訝!讓我捧腹! Video: http://www.youtube.com/v/hMnk7lh9M3o

| 纽约的朋友Aaron给我发来了这个短片,真是太搞笑了!1500名菲律宾囚犯一起跳Michael Jackson的Thriller。年轻人应该去看看原作。很多问题…为什么?怎么做到的?目的是什么?真不敢相信他们组织这么多人跳这个舞。跳舞的女生非常好玩,扮演Micael Jackson的领舞长得象姚明。令人惊讶!让我捧腹

over 17 years ago 0 likes  113 comments  0 shares


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