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Daniel Wu
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        Sadly ,my two months in New York are over but at least I can't say I had an uneventful time. I'm back in Hong Kong now and am already missing the place. It really truly is a great city.

We spent our last day in NY as leisurely as possible. Sad to go but also glad to go back home. Being in NY with a broken leg can be quite a drag.

We started the day by going out to brunch with our roommate Sabrina. She had been extremely tolerant of me taking her spot on the sofa and the tv remote control for the past three weeks.

On the way to the restaurant I gave the skateboard to some kid from the projects nearby. I thought he would be happy to get a free skateboard but I think he didn't trust me at all. Like I was trying to frame him or something.

He was also super reluctant to take a picture with me. Later in the day Lisa saw him ride by on it so must be ok.


For dinner we went to our favorite Puerto Rican take out place, Casa Adela. I had been ordering delivery from them in my awful Spanish for the past few weeks but had never been to the actual restaurant. So I decided to make the trek and hobble down there to check the place out. I'm glad we made it down to have the chicken with red beans and rice, it tastes much better straight out of the kitchen. The cup in the photo is full of red beans.

We then went to bed early and got up early Sunday morning so I could have breakfast with my buddy Dan, then we said our goodbyes, hopped in the car and left for the airport. New York rules and I will be back for sure!


我們在紐約的最後一天盡量過得很閑散,不想離開,但回到家還是很開心。在紐約拖著條病腿畢竟不方便。 這一天是和室友Sabrina出去吃早午餐開始的。她對我太容忍了,過去3周我占據了她的沙發和電視機遙控權。


讓他跟我合影還很勉強,晚些時候Lisa看到他用這個滑板滑得很開心。 [endif]

|晚餐去了我們最愛的波多黎各Casa Adel餐廳。過去幾周我一直用糟糕的西班牙語請他們送餐,還沒真正到過餐廳,所以盡管步履蹣跚,我還是決定要到餐廳吃飯。很開心在這裏吃紅豆和米飯配雞肉,剛出爐的果然好吃很多。照片裏這一滿杯全是紅豆。







晚餐去了我们最爱的波多黎各Casa Adel餐厅。过去几周我一直用糟糕的西班牙语请他们送餐,还没真正到过餐厅,所以尽管步履蹒跚,我还是决定要到餐厅吃饭。很开心在这里吃红豆和米饭配鸡肉,刚出炉的果然好吃很多。照片里这一满杯全是红豆。


over 17 years ago 0 likes  142 comments  0 shares
Photo 22991
Looks like NY kids are pretty skeptical about free things given to them. Nice pics~Thx for sharing.
over 17 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
you should have warned him 'this skateboard has already tasted the blood of one'...
over 17 years ago


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