Patrick put us up to the April Fools blog so don't blame me. I wasn't even gonna do it but when I saw how fun everyone else's were, I decided I had to have a piece of the action too. How'd I do it? Easy. Went through my old photos found the broken left leg photo from last year, REVERSED the image and now my right leg is broken. So easy. If you are a detail person you'd see all the text is reversed on the medical equipment.
Patrick 让我们发四月愚人节的博客,所以别怪我。我本不打算写,但看到大家都玩得很开心,决定也采取一点行动。怎么做的?很简单。到我的旧照片里找一张去年断左腿的照片,将它翻转过来,看到的就是我的右腿断了,就这么容易。如果你是注意细节的人,可以觉察到照片上所有医疗器械上的文字也都是翻转的。