Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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The Last Supper Nov 29 2012 | 《王的盛宴》 2012年11月29日| 《王的盛宴》 2012年11月29日|The Last Supper Nov 29 2012

Someone said they wanted to know when my next film release would be. I figured the marketing would take care of itself and I wouldn't need to advertise but it seems it's not mainstream enough. The next release is The Last Supper or Wang De Sheng Yan directed by Lu Chuan. I spent 8.5 months of my life working on this project and it has left indelible scars on me forever trying to capture the spirit of Xiang Yu. My cast members were amazing as well from good friends Chang Chen and Liu Ye to Qin Lan, Sha Yi, Nie Yuan, Hao Bo Jie the list goes on and on. Everyone gave everything they had to make this important film. Literally, much blood, sweat and tears were spilled to make Lu Chuan's vision come to life. We are going up against some big movies with this so do your best to give us your support! Below is me as the great general Xiang Yu.

| 不少朋友說想知道我下部片子何時公映。我原本覺得這是發行方自會去安排的,我不用自己來宣傳,不過看來我的想法有點非主流。我下一部公映的電影就是陸川導演的《王的盛宴》。在這部花費了我八個半月生命的作品中,我努力想要捕捉住項羽這個人物的靈魂,並為此

在身上留下了多處永久的傷痕。我們的劇組成員也令人贊嘆。從好友張震、劉燁,到秦嵐、沙溢、聶遠、郝柏傑……名單很長很長。每位成員都傾其所有地來做好這 部重磅級的電影。毫不誇張地說,大家揮灑了諸多的鮮血、汗水與淚水,才將陸川的構想付諸實現。我們用這樣的努力來迎接同檔期多部大片的挑戰,也期待能得到 大家最大的支持!下面的劇照就是我所扮演的大將項羽。

| 不少朋友说想知道我下部片子何时公映。我原本觉得这是发行方自会去安排的,我不用自己来宣传,不过看来我的想法有点非主流。我下一部公映的电影就是陆川导演的《王的盛宴》。在这部花费了我八个半月生命的作品中,我努力想要捕捉住项羽这个人物的灵魂,并为此

在身上留下了多处永久的伤痕。我们的剧组成员也令人赞叹。从好友张震、刘烨,到秦岚、沙溢、聂远、郝柏杰……名单很长很长。每位成员都倾其所有地来做好这 部重磅级的电影。毫不夸张地说,大家挥洒了诸多的鲜血、汗水与泪水,才将陆川的构想付诸实现。我们用这样的努力来迎接同档期多部大片的挑战,也期待能得到 大家最大的支持!下面的剧照就是我所扮演的大将项羽。

|Someone said they wanted to know when my next film release would be. I figured the marketing would take care of itself and I wouldn't need to advertise but it seems it's not mainstream enough. The next release is The Last Supper or Wang De Sheng Yan directed by Lu Chuan. I spent 8.5 months of my life working on this project and it has left indelible scars on me forever trying to capture the spirit of Xiang Yu. My cast members were amazing as well from good friends Chang Chen and Liu Ye to Qin Lan, Sha Yi, Nie Yuan, Hao Bo Jie the list goes on and on. Everyone gave everything they had to make this important film. Literally, much blood, sweat and tears were spilled to make Lu Chuan's vision come to life. We are going up against some big movies with this so do your best to give us your support! Below is me as the great general Xiang Yu.

about 12 years ago 0 likes  37 comments  0 shares
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hope it was worth it!
about 12 years ago


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