Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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Thank You L'Oreal!|謝謝,歐萊雅! |谢谢,欧莱雅! |Thank You L'Oreal!

Wow! Just spent the last four days on break from filming Dante Lam's "That Devil Within", to shoot the new L'Oreal campaign. We've been working together since 2006 and it has always been a great cooperation. This time we packed a lot of shooting in just four days. It was a challenging and exhausting shoot for everyone involved. The crew worked their butts off to crank it out so much respect to them. I can only show you this pic now (I know it's boring) but the ad and the photos are going to look great. I can't wait till it hits the airwaves!

Anyway, I've got the next four days off then it's back to work again. I want to wish everyone a very happy new year and may the year of the snake bring everyone health, wealth and most important of all...happiness! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Gung Hei Fat Choy!


哇!就在拍攝林超賢的 "That Devil Within"的空擋間,我剛花了四天時間拍攝歐萊雅的新廣告。我和這個品牌的合作始於2006年,每一次合作都很不錯。這回,在短暫的四天時間裏,我們完成了許多攝制內容。對每一位參與者來說,這都是一次令人精疲力竭、極具挑戰的任務。工作組玩命地工作以完成攝制,令人敬佩。眼下我只能給大家秀一下這張照片(我知道這張挺無聊的),不過到時候的廣告和照片都會很棒。我都等不及它播出了!

總之,接下來的四天我放假,然後就又要開工了。我祝願大家擁有非常快樂的新一年。願蛇年給你們每個人帶來健康與財富—還有最為重要的:幸福!   恭喜發財! | 哇!就在拍摄林超贤的 "That Devil Within"的空挡间,我刚花了四天时间拍摄欧莱雅的新广告。我和这个品牌的合作始于2006年,每一次合作都很不错。这回,在短暂的四天时间里,我们完成了许多摄制内容。对每一位参与者来说,这都是一次令人精疲力竭、极具挑战的任务。工作组玩命地工作以完成摄制,令人敬佩。眼下我只能给大家秀一下这张照片(我知道这张挺无聊的),不过到时候的广告和照片都会很棒。我都等不及它播出了!

总之,接下来的四天我放假,然后就又要开工了。我祝愿大家拥有非常快乐的新一年。愿蛇年给你们每个人带来健康与财富—还有最为重要的:幸福!   恭喜发财! | Wow! Just spent the last four days on break from filming Dante Lam's "That Devil Within", to shoot the new L'Oreal campaign. We've been working together since 2006 and it has always been a great cooperation. This time we packed a lot of shooting in just four days. It was a challenging and exhausting shoot for everyone involved. The crew worked their butts off to crank it out so much respect to them. I can only show you this pic now (I know it's boring) but the ad and the photos are going to look great. I can't wait till it hits the airwaves!

Anyway, I've got the next four days off then it's back to work again. I want to wish everyone a very happy new year and may the year of the snake bring everyone health, wealth and most important of all...happiness! Gong Xi Fa Cai! Gung Hei Fat Choy!

almost 12 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Hope you have a hydra energetic new year too. hahaha
almost 12 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Happy New Year to you and Lisa!
almost 12 years ago


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