Official Artist
Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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Hi it's me Daniel again! ( taken from the official Daniel Wu Fan Newsletter)

Hello everyone!

How are you all? From now on all my messages will be coming from this Newsletter group. It seems to be the best way to solve most of my e-mailing problems. It will also make it more convieniant for me to write more often.

Thanks to everyone for your letters. I read everyone myself and I really enjoy them very much. Your words of support are very much appreciated. Remember I still can't read Chinese(but I'm learning!) So I can only see the letters that are in English.

Recently I have been quite busy with filming and promotions. I hope most of you got a chance to see "Beijing Rocks". It was a really great and fun movie to work on. If you haven't seen it...shame on you! I know some of you may not have access to it, so I will forgive you but do see it when you get a chance!

In October I finished a movie called "Bin Lim Ging Ching" there is no english title yet. In this movie I was able to work with my friend Stephen Fung again. I played an assasin whose face was badly deformed who must revenge his brother's death.

This month I was able to go back to Taiwan to promote "Beijing Rocks". It was good to get a chance to go back to Taiwan! Thanks to everyone for coming to the autograph session. It was fun!

Right now I have just started work on another new movie called "Fung Hung Kei Yuen". This movie will also have Francis Ng and Michelle Reis/Lee. I am really excited to work with Francis on this project because he is one of my favorite actors. This ia also my first comedy so you will all get a chance to see my silly side.

I read some e-mails from some of you in Singapore complaining about me not showing up for the "Peony Pavillion" premiere. I would like to explain that there are a lot of places that I would like to go to do promotions BUT it is not always up to me personally. Sometimes there is no budget to fly the actors out or my schedule does not allow. In the case of the Singapore "Peony Pavillion" trip, I chose NOT to go because I was upset with the distribution of the film in Sinapore. Many of you may not know that the movie will not show in Singapore because the Singaporean distrubtors said that they do not think Chinese films are fit to be shown in their theatres. This statement upset me very much because in order for Hong Kong or Chinese film to survive, we need the support of everyone in the industry all over Asia. I felt that these people were being tremendously ignorant on their part. This is not the first time I've experienced difficulties with a movie in Singapore. So all of you in Singapore who want to see more good films, you have to fight for the right to choose instead of someone else choosing for you. I just wanted you to be aware of that.

I've also been getting a lot of mail asking me for advice on many things. About what to study in school, about getting into the entertainment business, etc. My one piece of advice, which also applies to myself is this: Do what you want to do. Do what will make you happy. Very simple statements that can make a world of difference. Don't be scared to try something different. Who knows? You may be very good at it! And if you don't succeed, your life is not over! You can try something else untill you are satisfied or happy. If you believe and trust in yourself you can make it happen!

OK, I must go. Hope everyone is well and look forward to hearing from you all!


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old school!
almost 18 years ago


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Member Since
July 27, 2005
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