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Eric Haze

I grew up along with the development of Street Culture and Eric Haze was the pioneering designer who helped bring the Art of street culture to the world stage. Starting of as a graffiti artist in the early 80's, Haze helped develop a style that is still growing strong today.He even designed the 24 Herbs logo. How lucky the 24HErbs guys are to have the guy who designed the Beastie Boys albums! Below is a little doc about Eric and Chromeo, both pioneers of street style design.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i__5mbtplhQ


我與街頭文化的發展一起長大的﹐而Eric Haze 就是幫助把街頭文化顯給國際舞台的開拓設計師。80 年代初﹐Haze 從塗鴉藝術家開始﹐研究了一度風格﹐直到現在發展仍然是日益增強。他甚至為廿四味設計他們的標識。廿四味的傢伙們真幸福﹐得到設計野獸孩子(Beastie Boys) 專輯鋒面的設計師! 以下是關於Eric 和Chromeo 的小型記錄片﹐兩位都是街頭式設計的開拓者。

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i__5mbtplhQ

我与街头文化的发展一起长大的﹐而Eric Haze 就是帮助把街头文化显给国际舞台的开拓设计师。80 年代初﹐Haze 从涂鸦艺术家开始﹐研究了一度风格﹐直到现在发展仍然是日益增强。他甚至为廿四味设计他们的标识。廿四味的傢伙们真幸福 ﹐得到设计野兽孩子(Beastie Boys) 专辑锋面的设计师! 以下是关于Eric 和Chromeo 的小型记录片﹐两位都是街头式设计的开拓者。| I grew up along with the development of Street Culture and Eric Haze was the pioneering designer who helped bring the Art of street culture to the world stage. Starting of as a graffiti artist in the early 80's, Haze helped develop a style that is still growing strong today.He even designed the 24 Herbs logo. How lucky the 24HErbs guys are to have the guy who designed the Beastie Boys albums! Below is a little doc about Eric and Chromeo, both pioneers of street style design.

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i__5mbtplhQ

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Nice. So much classic hiphop style enshrined in his career!
接近 14 年 ago



Hong Kong, Hong Kong
July 27, 2005