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Daniel Wu
Actor , Director
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Break a Leg! | 腳折了! | 脚折了!

I'm not quite sure where this term originated and I really don't understand why you would tell someone that before going out to do a show. Does anyone know the history?

OK here is some serious news that I have been holding back on until everything was under control. Remember my blog entry on June 22nd about my skateboard crash? I should have taken that as a sign and stopped right there but it really was so relaxing and fun pushing through the streets. Well on Tueday June 12th I was skateboarding to school early in the morning. My trucks were a bit loose and I had been meaning to fix them for a long time but I didn’t have the proper tool. On a perfectly straight and flat bit of road I got a speed wobble while pushing and lost balance. I put my right foot down to catch myself but my left foot was still on the board and unfortunately it twisted outwards as I fell. Usually when one rolls their ankle, they roll it inwards and this in called inversion. Not much happens, you get a sprain or tear some ligaments. Eversion is when the ankle rolls outwards and this is what I did. When you evert your ankle you not only tear ligaments but it puts an extreme amount of pressure on the fibula (the small bone next to the Tibia) and it breaks. So to make a long story short…I broke my ankle. I knew it the second it happened because like when I injured my knee several years ago, I actually saw it flip outwards. Very nasty.

I think that probably had to be the most painful thing I have experienced in my life. I laid on the ground for a minute and then managed to drag myself out of the street in between two parked cars while I figured out what to do. I was lucky there were no cars around but also unlucky because no one saw my fall. Normally in HK or SF I would know where the closest hospital was and which doctor to contact but NY isn’t my home. When the pain subsided a little I decided to call Lisa. It was probably a very rude awakening for her. I remember I calmed myself down for a few minutes first and spoke to her very calmly so as not to alarm her too much. She then got up and ran 8 blocks to get me up in a cab and to the hospital. Thank God she was here otherwise I wouldn’t have known what to do. People walking by just looked at me and kept walking, they probably thought because I wasn’t crying or anything, that I fell and was going to get back up. Also it wasn’t obvious that the leg was broken, only I could see the bone bulging out beneath the skin.

So we got to the hospital and proceeded to spend the next six or seven hours there, while I got examined, x-rayed etc. I have to say, I have finally experienced the American medical system now and I can confirm that it has some serious problems. I appreciate the HK system so much more now. If our next president chooses to ignore this issue like Bush, the US is seriously screwed.

Anyway, in the end they set the bone back into place as best as possible, also very painful but not too bad, put me in a splint and told me that I needed to have an operation as soon as the swelling went down. In the next week I went to several other doctors that were referred by friends and finally found a good one to do the operation for me. I had the operation this past Tuesday, the 19th. They put in a couple of metal plates, a couple pins and one big screw to hold it all together. Most of the stuff will be removed a few months down the road so I won’t be setting off airport alarms in the future.

The doctor says I will probably be in a cast and on crutches for at least 6-8 weeks. I guess I am going to have to extend my hiatus from work a little longer. All in all, I am doing fine. The only thing I am really upset about is that I was not able to attend my last week of class. I talked to my teachers and will be making it up privately but I really liked my classmates. There were a lot of great, talented people there that I enjoyed hanging out with and watching them growing together with as actors. I’m going to miss them all.

I am only going to include one picture, even though I have taken quite a few, for two reasons. #1 I don’t want to gross anyone out and #2 some HK newspaper printed the photo from my last fall without Alive Not Dead permission and we want to avoid that here. The photo is the x-ray of my left foot looking at it straight on. The big bone is the tibia and the small bone is the fibula. You can see the break inside the red circle. The blue line shows the way my ankle went. If you notice the x-ray technician can't spell. "Weight beiring" should be spelled "weight bearing"

So looks like I’ll be here a bit longer to allow things to heal up before getting on a plane. I’m sad that I can’t walk and take the subway around New York like before. It’s all taxi’s from here on out. But for now it’s all about resting on the sofa watching DVD’s and reading. It also helps a lot that I’ve got Lisa here to watch over and take care of me. I'm not sure what I'd do if she wasn't here.

Oh yeah...an I think I might have to officially retire from skateboarding. What a shame.(Although my doctor has a 64 year old patient who came in twice fro a broken wrist and broken collar bone both from skateboarding!) I have to say I have done much more dangerous things on movie sets.

I'll blog more about life on crutshes later.


|不是很確定這個術語的來歷,不知道為什麼有人可以在演出出發前告訴別人。有人知道來歷嗎?ok,我有嚴重的消息要發佈,我一直沒說,直到事態被控制住。還記得我在 6月 22日(編者: 6 月1日)Blog裏寫的滑板事故嗎?我本該把這個作為警告,不要再滑的,但在街道上有趣、放松的滑行實在太舒服了。 6月 12日星期二,我大清早的滑著滑板去學校,感覺滑板有點鬆動,本想修一下可以用更久的,但當時沒合適的工具。在一條非常直而平坦的路上,我往前滑時速度很快,滑板搖擺起來,失去了平衡。我把右腳放下來停住滑板,左腳還在上面,很不幸,摔倒時往外扭傷了。一般人崴腳都是往內,叫足內翻,有少部分人會韌帶撕裂。足外翻是腳踝往外翻,而我就是這樣。足外翻不僅撕裂韌帶,而且極大的壓迫腓骨(靠近脛骨的小骨頭)而折斷。長話短說…我的腳踝折了。這是第二次經歷,幾年前我的膝蓋也嚴重受傷,當時我看到膝蓋外翻出來,非常噁心。

我想這可能是我經歷過最痛的一次了。我在地上躺了幾分鐘,意識到該怎麼辦之後,努力爬出街道,到了 2輛泊好的車中間。很幸運當時身邊沒車經過,也很不幸沒人看到我摔倒。在香港或三藩市,我知道最近的醫院在哪裏,也知道聯系哪個醫生,但紐約不是我的家。當傷痛稍微輕微一些,我決定打電話給 Lisa,真不願意叫醒她。我記得自己先平靜了幾分鐘,然後非常冷靜地跟她講,怕太嚇到她。她馬上起床,跑過 8條街,扶我坐出租車去了醫院。感謝上帝她在這兒,不然我都不知道該怎麼辦。人們經過我時只是看看我,然後走掉。他們可能看到我沒哭或者顯得很痛苦,以為我只是摔倒,馬上就能起來。而且我的腳傷得不明顯,只有我自己能看到皮膚下的骨頭折了。

然後我們到了醫院,花了 6、 7個小時檢查, X光照射之類。我只能說我終於見識了美國的醫療系統,我能肯定存在著嚴重的問題。我現在更欣賞香港的醫療體制了。如果下任總統還象布什一樣忽略醫療問題,美國就真的昏了頭了。

總之,最後他們把骨頭盡可能擺回原樣,非常痛但還算撐得住,他們用夾板夾住我的腳,告訴我消腫後要儘快做手術。接下來的一周,我去看了朋友們推薦的好幾個醫生,最後找到了一個好醫生幫我做手術。這個月的 19號我動了手術,他們在裏面裝了 2塊金屬板、 2根針和 1個用來固定的大螺絲。幾個月後會拆掉其中的大部分,這樣今後我在機場不會引起金屬探測報警。

醫生說至少 6-8周之內我不能亂動,要用枴杖。我猜可能要休息更長的時間才能恢復工作。總的來說,一切都好。唯一令我沮喪的是下周沒辦法去上學了,我跟老師談過,可以單獨補課,但我想念同學們。班上有很多很棒、有才華的人,我喜歡跟他們在一起,看著他們逐漸成長變成演員。我會想念他們的。

這次隻放一張照片,其實我拍了好多照片。有兩個原因: 1.不想曝光其他人; 2.上次未經 Alive Not Dead同意,一些香港報紙把我摔倒的照片刊登出來,我們不想重蹈覆轍。這張照片是 X光拍攝的我伸直的腳。大骨頭是脛骨,小骨頭是腓骨,可以看到紅色圈圈裏面的折斷,藍色線表示我腳踝折彎的方向。如果你留心,可以看到 X光技師不懂拼寫, "Weight beiring”拼錯了,應該是 "weight bearing"(承重)。我得在這兒多呆一段時間,直到恢復一些才能離開。難過的是不能走路,象以前一樣在紐約城裡坐地鐵到處看了。從這裡出門都得坐出租。現在我只能躺在沙發上休息,看 DVD、讀書。還好 Lisa在,她可以很好地照顧我,否則我可真不知道該怎麼辦。

哦,是的…我想我不得不從滑板上正式退休了。真是可惜!(其實我的醫生還有個 64歲的病人,就醫兩次都是因為滑板摔傷了手腕還有頸脖的骨頭!)我只能說我在拍電影時還做過更危險的事情。



ok,我有严重的消息要发布,我一直没说,直到事态被控制住。还记得我在 6月 22日(编者: 6 月1日)Blog里写的滑板事故吗?我本该把这个作为警告,不要再滑的,但在街道上有趣、放松的滑行实在太舒服了。 6月 12日星期二,我大清早的滑着滑板去学校,感觉滑板有点松动,本想修一下可以用更久的,但当时没合适的工具。在一条非常直而平坦的路上,我往前滑时速度很快,滑板摇摆起来,失去了平衡。我把右脚放下来停住滑板,左脚还在上面,很不幸,摔倒时往外扭伤了。一般人崴脚都是往内,叫足内翻,有少部分人会韧带撕裂。足外翻是脚踝往外翻,而我就是这样。足外翻不仅撕裂韧带,而且极大的压迫腓骨(靠近胫骨的小骨头)而折断。长话短说 …我的脚踝折了。这是第二次经历,几年前我的膝盖也严重受伤,当时我看到膝盖外翻出来,非常恶心。

我想这可能是我经历过最痛的一次了。我在地上躺了几分钟,意识到该怎么办之后,努力爬出街道,到了 2辆泊好的车中间。很幸运当时身边没车经过,也很不幸没人看到我摔倒。在香港或三藩市,我知道最近的医院在哪里,也知道联系哪个医生,但纽约不是我的家。当伤痛稍微轻微一些,我决定打电话给 Lisa,真不愿意叫醒她。我记得自己先平静了几分钟,然后非常冷静地跟她讲,怕太吓到她。她马上起床,跑过 8条街,扶我坐出租车去了医院。感谢上帝她在这儿,不然我都不知道该怎么办。人们经过我时只是看看我,然后走掉。他们可能看到我没哭或者显得很痛苦,以为我只是摔倒,马上就能起来。而且我的脚伤得不明显,只有我自己能看到皮肤下的骨头折了。

然后我们到了医院,花了 6、 7个小时检查, X光照射之类。我只能说我终于见识了美国的医疗系统,我能肯定存在着严重的问题。我现在更欣赏香港的医疗体制了。如果下任总统还象布什一样忽略医疗问题,美国就真的昏了头了。

总之,最后他们把骨头尽可能摆回原样,非常痛但还算撑得住,他们用夹板夹住我的脚,告诉我消肿后要尽快做手术。接下来的一周,我去看了朋友们推荐的好几个医生,最后找到了一个好医生帮我做手术。这个月的 19号我动了手术,他们在里面装了 2块金属板、 2根针和 1个用来固定的大螺丝。几个月后会拆掉其中的大部分,这样今后我在机场不会引起金属探测报警。

医生说至少 6-8周之内我不能乱动,要用拐杖。我猜可能要休息更长的时间才能恢复工作。总的来说,一切都好。唯一令我沮丧的是下周没办法去上学了,我跟老师谈过,可以单独补课,但我想念同学们。班上有很多很棒、有才华的人,我喜欢跟他们在一起,看着他们逐渐成长变成演员。我会想念他们的。

这次只放一张照片,其实我拍了好多照片。有两个原因: 1.不想曝光其他人; 2.上次未经 Alive Not Dead同意,一些香港报纸把我摔倒的照片刊登出来,我们不想重蹈覆辙。这张照片是 X光拍摄的我伸直的脚。大骨头是胫骨,小骨头是腓骨,可以看到红色圈圈里面的折断,蓝色线表示我脚踝折弯的方向。如果你留心,可以看到 X光技师不懂拼写, "Weight beiring"拼错了,应该是 "weight bearing"(承重)。我得在这儿多呆一段时间,直到恢复一些才能离开。难过的是不能走路,象以前一样在纽约城里坐地铁到处看了。从这里出门都得坐出租。现在我只能躺在沙发上休息,看 DVD、读书。还好 Lisa在,她可以很好地照顾我,否则我可真不知道该怎么办。

哦,是的 …我想我不得不从滑板上正式退休了。真是可惜!(其实我的医生还有个 64岁的病人,就医两次都是因为滑板摔伤了手腕还有颈脖的骨头!)我只能说我在拍电影时还做过更危险的事情。



over 17 years ago 0 likes  130 comments  0 shares
Keep your spirits up and get well soon! Take care of yourself in NY!
over 17 years ago


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