The reason why I can always appear on your instagram newsfeed. ? @goboegghk #gobokoreaa
Meeting this girl in this busy city.?
坐我手車 真係唔洗驚喎???
The leaves behind say it all. ?
Sneakers. Camera. Sunnies. All ready for a day trip to an island that we all haven't been before. Adventure time honeys! Muah for the new kicks: @kswisshk
'IMY' means even more than 'ILY. You can love a lot of people but there are really just a few that you can miss.
? 最靜嘅一餐飯 大家講得最多係: 千祈唔好'liu'漏側邊啲蟹膏... #醬油蟹
Spent our late afternoon shopping session in this Korean Style market ?? Meeting loads of creative designers and talented store owners made my day?
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