Please check out my latest boxing spots for Voltarol. They were an absolute joy to direct!
@wai_alan Likewise, one of my fave shows.!!
Yes! Best news today.. #MasterofNone season 2 coming on the 12th!
@JesseQuinones81 Oh yeah. You roll right?
@JesseQuinones81 I know your pain.
@LOCOFilmFest @jonathanwakeham @picturehouses @PaulRidd is this playing out live?
RT @ICOtweets: Want to be a film journalist? If you’re 18-25 & studying in the UK then apply to be a Student Critic @edfilmfest https://t.c…
Hope everyone is having fun out in the @BERMUDAFILMFEST wish I could've made it out there! #sohojimbo
Can't wait for some more #IntoTheBadlands tonight. Watch out bro @wai_alan I hear a pair are going Baron hunting ?
Loved #GotGVol2 - 1 was a hard act to follow, major props to @JamesGunn for being just as ballsy with the second instalment!
Currently working in London, UK. My portfolio can be found on