What happens to my friends when I don't get a response in two seconds. @xanderritz
Pretended to sleep on the side of a highway just to get a good Instagram picture.
When you wake up and find your boyfriend doing this...I think he's ready for battle.
My favorite store in Austin, Texas. It's just surrrrrrcuteeee.
My egg decor belongs at coachella.
My dearest clarkel happy happy birthday. You are my on and off screen surrogate big brother and I love you so much... You're the best. @clarkgregg thank you for being alive!
How do I ever even leave the bed?
Mind my bitchy resting face. Styling by @fancyhipster ? #kidschoiceawards
This makes me look way cooler than I actually am...Thank you Jason Palmer! #agentsofshield
We are intellectuals. @clarkgregg
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