有來看《林一峰 x 香港中樂團》的朋友,一定會對這合唱組合有十分良好的印象,現在到他們自己開show了! 各位觀眾:實動男。Set Tone Men!
Thank you thank you thank you!! We did it!!
Conductor Mr. Chew, HKCO and me. We give you large ensemble live version of Mr. & Mrs. Chan! With Yin Ng the genius' music arrangement, Mr. Chew's sensibility and HKCO musicians/magicians' passion added to my humble attempt of this original tune, together we have created something that only can happen in HK, we are so proud, hope you enjoy it!
Final rehearsal of Never Ending Sonata with HKCO. A bit of Mexican, a bit of Chinese... A lot of energy and fun!
未完舞曲總彩排,十面埋伏 + 墨西哥舞曲 + 粵語創作,謝謝伍敬彬的精彩編曲!
Final rehearsal of Neve Ending Sonata with HKCO. A bit of Mexican, a bit of Chinese... A lot of energy and fun!
未完舞曲總彩排,十面埋伏 + 墨西哥舞曲 + 粵語創作,謝謝伍敬彬的精彩編曲!