Vancouver, you always have a special place in my heart. You have preserved some of the best Chinese culture on the opposite of the world. Thank you.
Let me see you again, some time.
Vancouver Song Quest SQ20, my honor to be here sharing the same stage with all the talented singer songwriters!
To me, Hanjin is foremost a genius musician, and real talents deserve support ?? From Hanjin // 小學一年級的時候,歌唱老師在我的成績單上寫:「Hanjin喜歡唱歌,但聲音不動聽。」中三的時候,我的鋼琴老師對我說:「你和音樂沒有緣分,不要學琴好了。」哈哈,我媽比我更生氣。其實,12歲的時候,醫生驗出我左耳的聽力是常人的75%,右耳只有50%。但我太愛音樂了,接近瘋狂,所以我沒有放棄繼續做音樂。 立即支持: