不說話發出的力量很大。至少給予別人有喘息的空間和想像的時間。 我以為是對的。停頓就是所有事的節奏最好的分野點。令一切回來再開始都更有價值。這點我以為是對的。有時候在適當時不說話還可助你解決一些難題,實在是一個心理大學問。原來,一直不以為男女真的那麼的大不同。今天,一些事上,叫我感到兩性真的可以很兩極。小明仔許多時都錯以男化點的手法去處事。對待女的,又有點錯用神了。不說話就是不關心。說出了的尊重私人空間都徒然。不值一記。都叫我摸不著,捉錯心神。冷靜點便變成冷漠了。好歹也得小心點。好吧。。想做個真心的朋友就要學會遷就。學做個可愛的女孩子啦小明仔。。。好吧好吧吧。。。!!!天氣轉涼,哮喘發作。又想忍手不噴藥,最後也就屈服了。歡迎冬天來了,晚來總比沒來的好。welcome welcome!大家都要小心身體。保重。小明仔
以前人人話要贏人先要贏自己,家陣小明話要笑人先要笑自己。咁先可以跳出我天地,令自己更上一層樓。我沒有大智慧,但有小志強。笑自己的好處很多,可更清楚自己的好與壞,長短處。更可以備不時之需,幽人一默時又可過自己一水。很好呀。更且,我傻到開巷的事多的是,上學忘記帶書包,食早餐未食就脫骹跌包,回鄉忘帶回鄉咭,總之就係至叻小人類囉。下個人生目標,今日覺得係「處處不是家,處處都是家」!!咁就無敵啦! 再加油囉。可愛也可不愛,那要多好就有多好!天佑小明仔
did u ever want something or someone so badly? maybe it's jus a wish. maybe its a goal for some reasons.sometimes, may doubting if its jus a real phanton. feel so pain while u going thru those suffers. its like cars-chasing in a race. speedy,dangerous,fun, exciting.there's no answer nor rewards in return after all. stil, at the same time, u may think u're the lucky one to get the passio...Read more
my latest writing for Miriam,share wit ya here~ enjoy,peace:-P lil maine Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Jut-41nJuI
black is black when there's no white in it.white is white when there's no black in it.holla back when u got some noise!?maine
who wanna know da truth after all. take a bite of the rotten meat, eagle can tell the diffence between the fresh piece... its too far from da truth 2 far from me tho..its always better to be the driver then the passenger in a life-time movie.try to shift in different angles..longer or shorter,wider nor nothin'hard but fun,isnt it? man....its kinda problem of making choice.after all years, u may regret fo...Read more
another 5:15 maine in da morning. feeling great to start my 3rd day movie shooting.working wit the wonderful crew n talented ppl makes every moment the memorial ones.kinda hard for a non-smoker to keep a non-stop smoking acting for a whole day, i was amazed by myself too.puhahha.it is a big challenge for a new actor to go thru the learning process....like a fresh comer like me,sorry to my throat n lung..wow...Read more
its 5 in da morning,getting ready for the movie shoot.its gona be a great day,big laughs~feeling good wit a couple of hours sleep,its amazing.god blessed.thanks again to katrina--my no.1 stylist,luv u sister.here i go,luv u guys~have a wonderful day! smileslil maine
gung hei gung hei 25仔仔楊 壹今早出世了!!歡迎來到這個可愛的星球,長大後要好好愛鍚爸媽囉!joy to da world!! yay!小明呀yee:-)