Who said asians have small eyes?!? w/ @dann1wang
@flashdillon serenade us with his performance last night. #arlenesgrocery #music #liveshow #friends
Happy 2nd Birthday to this handsome boy! #modelbaby #birthday #baby
I should not have worn leather today..... Melting but first let me take a selfie! #mohawk
I'm ready for bed everyone, Goodnight! ~Wookie #wookiethepomeranian #pomeranian #pom #wookie #dogsofinstagram #model #pose #smiles #puppy #tokiebklyn
When I am at home entertaining myself. #snapchat
Deep thoughts. #wookiethepomeranian #pomeranian #dogsofinstagram #pom #dog #aDogsLife #deepthoughts
I'll never get sick of this view. #NYC #Home #cityscape
My favorite Pokemon meme so far. Hahaha #pokemongo #pokemon #pikachu #wreckingball
Swimming in Lavender with Wookie. #wookiethepomeranian #wookie #posing #lavenderbythebay #lavender #purple
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined ~Thoreau
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