A fairy tale beginning...An unstoppable rise...A dramatic fall...A triumphant return!This is the E! True Hong Kong Story of CB FRESHThe hottest act in Asia since the Fortune CookieVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgRDjTvWWV4&fmt=18 If there's a stutter on the video, just hit pause until the video fully loads
Much love to the DFfor getting us all spiffy, handsome and goofy as hell.. with our powers combined...If you didn't know, be careful if you stand near Read more
VMC & Sam - YOU GUYS ROCKED IT!!!!!!!!
We are all so proud of you! XXXRead more
Team Hong Kong, Vince and Sam You guys rock our world!#Congratulations!!!
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV5QJwLQnvE&eurl=http://ww...Read more
CB FRESHis gonna rock out Wednesday night atHardpack'sshow!
Are you?
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KhxIQo-MwyA
Picture thisYou're some sly shyster wanting to take advantage of our innocent, FRESH mindsAll you want to do is play us like some puppetsHaha.. joke's on you since you don't know the wrath of CB FRESH's ownTHE YINSTIGATORRead more
Tonight is a big night for us since we have a super secret sneak peak screening of our television show for a selected few in Hong Kong. I think this would be a good time to bring up one of the first CB FRESH videos we made not as CB FRESH but as a bunch of guys that met randomly and shared the same dream.And definitely shared the same sense of humor!We put this together for a movie trailer contest. Shot t...Read more
To celebrate this historic and momentous occasion, the boys at CBFRESH bring you this public service announcement:
See more funny videos at Funny or Die
Also, we have a little election of our own over at AliveNotDead.
We don't use no Electoral College here at CBFRESH...we are obvious attention whores where the popular vote is the ONLY vote!
Candidates are chosen based on:
So for this past halloween the boys and I contributed to the ALIVENOTDEAD/BELVEDERE/AZURE Halloween party in LKF!
The party was THE SHIT! I was actually having such a good time, I literally took ZERO pictures....but you can find a lot of the action Read more
Hey CB FRESHers..
or CB FRESHites
or CB FRESHniks
uhh..how about CB FRESHanatics?
(We're still trying to find a name for YOU, our awesome fans..all 59 of ya!)
To compete with the alivenotdead corporate cave in Sheung Wan, CB FRESH is having
a fan vote to add onto our ever changing traveling office space
See Derrick's Blog for more info here
Check out the video!
...Read moreRob, Simon, Vince, Derrick, Chung Fan Us Friend Us Share Us Love Us A Western Perspective with Eastern Eyes Are you Fresh? www.cbfresh.com