Official Artist
Calvin Wong
Music Producer
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How do I view music today?

The topic during my lunch with colleagues was naming one hit wonder acts from the past. It started with 80s from Men Without Hats, Trio, Fiction Factory, Baltimora to 90s Chumbawamba, Lou Bega, Charles & Eddie, Beats International to now. It was really fun.

With me now stuck in the middle of a Manila traffic (not fun), I was really pondering what %  of acts do go on to make the 2nd record / album (regardless of success). If it was small then, it is even smaller now. Recording an album is now a bonus. Most will settle fo...Read more

over 11 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

U2 vs. Depeche Mode

Sitting here in the hoptel room in Bangkok bored out of my mind and waiting for my football team to start their game on UCL. My team has been playing so badly this season, I am still contemplating to watch and continue to torture myself. I guess when you support a team, you support them through the good times and bad times!!! Go Gunners.

So, everyone should have heard the new single from U2 "Get on your boots" and Depeche's "Wrong". I don't believe U2 video is done yet but got a glimpse of the new DM vi...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares

My Top 10 Best Album of 2008!!!

Wow, I did not realise that I have not blog for a few months now. Just could not find the time to do it with year end business targets to meet (yawn, yawn) and other stuff....

I guess what's better to start the new year with a little list of the BEST CD ALBUM of 2008 for me! Yes, I know it's old school but music for me needs to be appreciated like a work of art and although I still fancy tracks but listening to an album is a real experience...

3 main criteria for the list are:

1) The most times ...Read more

about 16 years ago 0 likes  17 comments  0 shares

Live N Loud Concert A great night for Rock Music in HK!!!

I had a great evening watching 5 rock acts on the "Live N Loud" concert. I think it's good that we have a rock festival circuit in Hong Kong. Singapore just had Singfest which I believe 12,000 people attended over 2 days (Sat & Sun). It's a shame we did not have Panic @ the Disco here which they played in Singapore.

Upon arriving, I was shocked to see how little people actually turned up for Jamie Scott (the first act) that I decided from going in and g...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares

Is R&B Music the new mainstream in Asia?

Apologies for taken so long to come up with another blog. Hectic week at work. Business this month was definitely on the up with a few hit songs and some good selling albums. Yes, despite the gloom and doom, some CDs still sells.

Thanks for all the great feedback on HK music scene blog.

One of the key point that came out from the blog was "what is mainstream music"? Best definition is popular music genre that has been accepted by the general population. Traditionally in Asia, it's all...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares

Is Hong Kong Local Music Thriving?

Many thanks for those who commented on my previous blogs. I actually thought after replying to everyone, I should delete the replies. Guess that was a wrong move. Blog is not e-mail, my bad. Why am I blogging this topic today? Please bear with me as this is pretty long but i think is important.

This all started when I was listening to...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  34 comments  0 shares

Evolution of Electronic/Synthesizer Music Pt.1

It really does feel good getting feedback on blogs. Was still contemplating on whether or not to write like most bloggers i.e. which restaurant I went, what movies I saw or which party I attended. I think I will suck writing about those stuff. Maybe one day but right now there is so much music I have inside which I love to share.

Electronic music has been pretty much been a very intergral part of my love for music. Although I start listening to Top 40 radio (the only format available) back in 1976 with R...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares

Record Contract is like a Marriage Certificate!

Alas, I got my first blog out of the way. Not sure if it's a masterpiece, but hey, everything gotta start from somewhere. It's interesting to be able to express oneself from writing a blog. Kinda cathartic. So what's next?

I was speaking and attending the recent Music Matters conference (some called it Music Mutters) where I got to know about this wonderful website. One of the most common topic that came out was how irrelevant record companies is for artist. Many artists (I believe Soler was...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

My First Blog...ever!

Just had another long day in the office. More problems. I guess it is a norm with the music business nowadays. Nobody buys CDs anymore & digital business models sucks (except for a few countries). Everyone wants a piece of the artist management but nobody understands what the artists wants and how to help them fulfil their dream.

Everyone talks but nothing change...

No point preaching about work. I still love it. Still have great acts from local and international. Have good relationship with some of them as well. Rea...Read more

over 16 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


The Passionate Music Man

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english, cantonese, mandarin, malay
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
June 24, 2008