Thanks June - Romania, Birthday, Paris
A #commercial shoot with the very talented @lagaita #carolinagaitan we had the whole #favela / #comuna13 watching us with my gangsta crew @erickram @niorcano @adriru @alejismrtnz
24 hours in Bogotá - time for Medellín
Coffee time ... ☕️
I forgot a pair of socks... need to retrieve them
So from running from #rio on a shoot with @priscilla_music to #saopaulo to do a #vipmagazine interview with @lacasadelamadre to run to the airport to stop in #mexicocity where I ran into an old good friend @felipepxxx and another @fitopardo randomly. Now running back home to #nyc for a day or two. The only time I had to take a photo was of #paodeacucar mountain in #riodejaneiro #cara #valeu #brasil
Best taco layover yet. Back home for 2 seconds...