Look how cool this kid is! Not only is his hair half blonde but he’s got a tie on his head sideways, WOAAAAHHH
I think I know who this one is about
Okay the first one was wrong, but they nailed it on the second try.
I’m driving to Atlanta and back today for my passport, so if anyone wants to call and chat at any time it would be much appreciated!
You can never hide from the horrors hidden in your past.
It’s very disconcerting when there is a direct relationship between the water pressure in a water fountain and the sound of a toilet flushing.
Hey everyone! I hate to ask for handouts, but I've been given a great chance to shoot a film in Hong Kong for three weeks and I need help financing my travels/studies. I know many of you are not in a position where you can give anything, but if you could share and spread the post it would mean the world to me. Thank you all, I love you and i cant wait to show you what I've been learning at SCAD.
I really have always been this hysterical.