Halfway to Boiling: Cities at 50C - why our Linear Park #MetaLoop networks will also be vital for Urban Cooling wit… https://t.co/xZ5QM55ZtK
Closing in on #Asynsis Geometry #Universality #SynPlexity: https://t.co/kwwsJfE64Y https://t.co/VQfoC1cJng
Perfect #Asynsis #SynPlexity Inspiration via - Otto Boll. Thanks for the prompt Violaine Oud X :-) https://medium.com/@ASYNSIS/hidden-harmonies-are-more-than-obvious-1eb24148fa93#.dxwch1by8
Nio & Max's first Hong Kong Girlfriends (& surely not their last). Also Conrad lunch, then hanging out in Hong Kong Park with the family and seeing a certain Marathon Man - a great way to celebrate Spring Festival!
Connecting, corresponding circles creating beauty most easily, very #E8, very #Asynsis https://medium.com/@ASYNSIS/asynsis-an-extremely-mean-theory-of-everything-fbb95d5f53d8
There from 7pm tomorrow at Pier 8 Central (top floor bar with terrace) - should be very interesting, join if you can. :-)
Who do you think you are, (a) David Baily (model)? Remarkable to think her first PM was one Winston S Churchill. Hopefully she can share some home front truths with Trump when he shares that carriage with her. Better still, revoke the American colonies' independence and resume one's rightful sovereign dominion over those unruly Tea Partiers. ;-)
Architect+Designer, Complexity geometer, Sustainability advocate, TED.com speaker, Asynsis principle: More for Less, Form follows Flow