今天記者會首次唱從未曝光新碟版本《心債》,西九龍中心2點見! https://t.co/WJoxDYuIaK
Some more singers! https://t.co/u37ZLzW2iu
Let's tribute to our beloved Anita Mui on Dec 23! https://t.co/F6VciPp7iI
懷念梅姐! https://t.co/OSoG8V0d2o
I'll sing Anita Mui! Please join our charity concert! https://t.co/6Tdw6vuQRu
I'll sing in the press conference! https://t.co/UUuOq93l7h
第三站:中華書局簽唱會 https://t.co/XvEnlTpgAe
方文 . 李偉 ACOUSTIC 簽唱會(第二站:元朗三聯書店):https://t.co/fBscLW03C6 (來自 @YouTube)
www.astorfong.com Astor Fong 6 albums are available in stores and online now! Enquiry: info@addmusicintl.com Sign up now for the Astor Fong Fan Club. P