@2fbs oh, dear!
RT @reecem77: “@mrtonymartin: 'The Australian' to raise its cover price from $2.20 to $2.50. So now, by not buying it, you'll save even mor…
@jeremysear also, do you believe these reports that insider polls have LNP job approval in "free-fall"?
@jeremysear It would be awesome though, wouldn't it. :) Or would you rather the satisfaction of booting his arse out.
Can anyone with law expertise tell me if there is any truth in this? http://t.co/Y3sUOHihsp
@simonband haha
@jeremysear is there any truth to this legalese? http://t.co/Y3sUOHihsp
@simonband Does that get filed under #ProblemsOurParentsNeverHad ? :)
Was the end of that speech supposed to be a clever way to make us feel patriotic? #abcnews24