you have no idea how scary my dreams are becoming. But that's what is keeping me going. I BELIEVE I CAN...
When you have breakfast at home. but by the time you get to office you forget and have breakfast again ... I'm like why am i eating again lool
Enough WIX and website for today. website looking great and it's time to go HOME to my girls
If you give a good thing to the world, then over time your karma will be good, and you'll receive good.
Anoush daddy has been very busy lately. Go check the new website if you haven't already and subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss a thing. YES SERIOUSLY and YES NOW
Thanks to Andrea Davies and her lovely family for this video. Everyone loves ANOUSH tattoos. Follow her Vlogs on youtube.
Who's in central and didn't have lunch yet ?
Welcome back iphone ?? no need to buy a new one ?