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16 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

some more Malta Valetta pics!

16 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares


I am currently shooting a movie in Malta and its very beautiful here. the city is filled will amazing architecture, the buildings are a rigid variant of Italian Mannerism. The Island has its very own unique character: it sort of reminds me of Mallorca and a bit of South of France. The design of the whole city of Valletta is so unique cause there is a strong emphasis on rusticated corners, the whole city is basically made out of the same sandy rough looking stone. The city is mainly full of Catholics, so there are amazing churches, filled with breath...Read more

16 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

D&G pics

16 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares

D&G, Milano Fashion week

Last week I had the honor of attending the Milano fashion week as a celeb guest. I had an amazing time there...filled with lots of stylish Italians walking the streets of Milano, delicious Italian food and meeting amazingly interesting people.

I truly fell in love with Italy and am actually thinking about learning Italian!!! Just hope I will find the time to do so.

Here are some pics from the D&G show.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Day 10!

Today has been a very nice day! I have been feeling very calm, balanced and light. I also noticed that my skin is more vibrant and has a glow. So, I do feel that the cleanse gave me the benefits that it claims to. For a second I even thought about continuing for another 2 days, but then I went by Krispy Kreme to get some donuts for my mom and I was just loved the smell. I really love food and want to start munching again .

So, tomorrow is the day I start to have my orange juice all day long...shoul...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Day 9!!!!

I am on my 9th day, felt very exhausted and tiered this morning, but after the sea salt flush I  felt very good. I will take it slow today, cause I didn't sleep much due to the works of the laxitive tea . I also finished reading "the Master Cleanse", and I do believe that if you live a healthy balanced vegetarian diet you will be disease free, but one must learn how to live a life as a vegetarian. Plus, we don't need animal protein, we can get protein from other sources of food, such as ...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

8th Day of the Master Cleanse

So, now I am on my 8th day and I have absolutely no cravings for food. Been running all over the place today and felt good, at peace with myself. Another thing I noticed, is that in this humid hot weather I actually felt not too sweaty and lighter. Usually during these hot days I feel like the sky is about to fall on my head and the air pollution usually makes me feel sick, but since I did the cleanse all these symptoms have disappeared. This morning when I woke up I felt cramps again...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

6th day of The Master Cleanse!

I am not feeling too great this morning...woke up with major stomach cramps from the smooth move, for the first time I actually enjoyed drinking the sea salt water. Now I feel much better and I think some of the mucus actually came out.

I did have dreams about having dinner, that might be cause the dinner I had to attend last night had a big impact on me, the food just looked amazing and smelled so good. My sense of smell is so sensitive now, its incredible....I can smell mo...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

The 5th day of The Master Cleanse

Sorry that I didn't write yesterday, but was too busy.

I woke up feeling ok yesterday and went to my two hour yoga class, the class raised my energy level by 50%, so I left feeling happy. Yesterday, was actually a tough day, cause I had 2 events to go to, I did feel strange sitting at a dinner table drinking my lemonade and everyone was just munching away....all I wanted to do was go home, prepare for auditions and read my scrīpts. I still have not experienced any pain or headaches during the cleanse; I suppose t...Read more

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares


Om Shanti Ahimsa Namaste Diamonds are forever, but we're not.


Hong Kong
January 9, 2008