18:30—19:30直播聊【如何拥有完美身材】。大家把问题留言在下面?给我。统一在视频直播回答。直播通道?:http://video.sina.com.cn/l/p/1691214.html 现场直播进行中。。。
离开能量城,疑似过上了【人类】的生活?☺ once I left the Energy City, I suspect that I kind of adopt the normal people life style? ☺
暖雅姐姐在吃晚餐中。对了,我做了设置,【负能量的人是不能按点赞的】哦!?来试试你是正能量的人嘛???? I am having dinner now, and I have done a setting that people having negative energy can't click LIKE under this post! ?would you like to give it a try to see if you are the person having positive energy? ???
声明:感谢暖宝宝们长期的关爱?暖雅即将参加为期三个月的全球首档封闭式台网互动真人秀节目#百万粉丝#。接下来的三个月会停用原新浪微博,今天11月10日开始使用由@百万粉丝 统一公布的新微博账号Read more