Dream come true: All you can eat Dim Sum. Support Mr. Weather!? #天氣先生夏日點心AllYouCanEat #來佬餐館 #天氣先生
Still reminiscing about last night's seafood FEAST!! #HappyFriday
Watch out Ronda Rousey, here I come!! ? #Destroyer
識咗咁多年先至第一次探班係慚愧嘅!? #紀念日 #葉念琛愛情電影十周年
潮媽 #KellyChen
The Korean Seafood Towers are getting much more popular in HK! #SeafoodTower
A lovely home cooked meal on Sunday night that made me feel so warm and lucky. 1) Shepherd's Pie 2) Taiwanese classic Braised Pork over Rice 3) Tomato, Egg, and Basil Bruschetta
All I want is a cup of coffee after four different clubs and a 6am bedtime.
This is what we call satisfaction... #Yakitori
HK Radio Host/DJ, MC, Singer. I simply love good food, traveling & lifestyle.
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