My baby boy is turning 4 today!!! I love you Lamar!!! You are always mommy's baby!!! ? #BabyBoy #Lamar #Puppy #Dog #Poodle #MommysBaby #Doggie #CutiePie
CY's birthday brings us together again. What an enjoyable night! Happy Birthday to CY! ?? #Enjoyable #Birthday
A nice place to chill with my dogs on a sunny Sunday. Happy this restaurant finally opened a branch in Hong Kong! #LePainQuotidien #SunnySunday #Dogs #Brunch #Chillax #SundayBrunch
If you're craving for some quality Italian, Nicholini's is always a wise choice! With twenty years of history under its belt, this place is guaranteed to provide friendly service, tasteful food, and a warm ambience. #Italian #Nicholinis #Tasteful #FoodPorn ??
A little Latin food to spice up Saturday. The Latin Style Rice Plate, Bandeja 33, is soooo delicious!??#Latin #LatinFood #LatinStyle #Latino #RicePlate #Bandeja
後來有朋友介紹這款 Elastoplast 易理妥褪疤貼,即使是很久以前的疤痕也可以見效,我急不及待開始使用。 結果連續使用三星期後,疤痕位置明顯撫平了,而且周邊紅印亦開始慢慢消退。 加上,透氣度很好,貼足全日也沒有任何不適/痕癢感。 原本除疤貼比較大張,我自己會把除疤貼一開二,保留第二日使用。 而且貼在面/身體/任何部位也可以!
HK Radio Host/DJ, MC, Singer. I simply love good food, traveling & lifestyle.