演员, 3D/ CAD建模或动画, 画家
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My first Baby "Zachary" is out!!|我第一個寶貝"Zachary"誕生了!!|我第一个宝贝"Zachary"诞生了!!

Hello friends

As you all might know, I have been busy with acting in Beijing and my Special effects workshop for the past year.  During those times, my wife was pregnant too.  So my schedule was a little hectic for awhile.

But the big day finally came.  I made it back to Los Angeles 10 hours before my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.    I was there in the operation room during the whole procedure.  It was bloody!!  I was actually pretty scare and excited at the same time.  There is no words to describe how I felt in that few hours.  But it was a very memorable experience. 

Thank god for giving me this adorable baby,  also my wife is healthy and recovering fast too.

Here are some photos of baby " Zachary".

one hour old baby.

"Hi"  to all AnDer

Enjoying myself after my milk feed.

Time for some real sleep. That is what I do all day long.

| 朋友們﹐大家好


但是﹐這個大日子終於來臨。我兒子出生的前10小時﹐我趕回洛杉磯看著我太太生下一個漂亮的小男孩。整個過程中﹐我都在手術室看著。真是血淋淋的! 其實﹐我當時的感覺又害怕又興奮。這幾小時的感覺﹐言語是沒有可能形容的。但是﹐這次經驗真是非常難忘。



以下有些寶貝"Zachary"的照片:一小時大的寶貝所有alive網的朋友﹐"你們好!"剛剛飲完奶,很享受。是時候睡覺了。我一整天就是做這樣。| 朋友们﹐大家好


但是﹐这个大日子终于来临。我儿子出生的前10小时﹐我赶回洛杉矶看着我太太生下一个漂亮的小男孩。整个过程中﹐我都在手术室看着。真是血淋淋的! 其实﹐我当时的感觉又害怕又兴奋。这几小时的感觉﹐言语是没有可能形容的。但是﹐这次经验真是非常难忘。





刚刚饮完奶,很享受。是时候睡觉了。我一整天就是做这样。|Hello friends

As you all might know, I have been busy with acting in Beijing and my Special effects workshop for the past year.  During those times, my wife was pregnant too.  So my schedule was a little hectic for awhile.

But the big day finally came.  I made it back to Los Angeles 10 hours before my wife gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.    I was there in the operation room during the whole procedure.  It was bloody!!  I was actually pretty scare and excited at the same time.  There is no words to describe how I felt in that few hours.  But it was a very memorable experience. 

Thank god for giving me this adorable baby,  also my wife is healthy and recovering fast too.

Here are some photos of baby " Zachary".

one hour old baby.

"Hi"  to all AnDer

Enjoying myself after my milk feed.

Time for some real sleep. That is what I do all day long.

接近 14 年 前 0 赞s  127 评论s  0 shares
Satohiroko d1 hiroko sato headshot
omedeto gozaimasu!!
接近 14 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007