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Fell in love with San Francisco 愛上三藩 | 爱上三藩


    Here I am blogging again.  Well, it was nice to hanged out with the Alive boys in San Francisco.  The last time I went there was at least 10 to 15 years ago.  My first impression of the city back then was "beautiful" ,  now I am there again after all these years,  I just fell in love with it.  The city has so much culture, the architect is a work of art.  A friend told me, I was lucky to come during that week, the weather was really nice and no fog.  One day, we went to daniel's friends house, he lives in the east bay.  The house sits on the mid hill, overlooking the whole golden gate and SF scenery.  The sight was just Awesome!!   Me and conroy were sitting on the porch, breathing in the fresh air.  we said to each other " this spot would be a great place to retire and die".

    The screening went well, I glad to meet up with so many friends and fans of Alive.  This chance is hard to come by.  Since we are no longer singing as a group,  and the movie is done.  It will probably be difficult to get 4 of us going to another event like this in the future, especially in US. 

    But the trip to SF is unforgettable.  Zachary's pizza is best pizza I'd ever had.  I will definetly try to make my way to SF again in the near future.  I want to thank everyone at the SFF for the hospitality and the upgrades from Cathay Pacific.

andrewHi,我又來寫 Blog了。和 Alive團員一起到三藩真愉快,我上次來已經是 10年或 15年前了。那時對這個城市的第一印象是‘漂亮’。多年後來到這裡,我還是愛上了它。這城市文化根基很深,建築都是藝術品。一個朋友告訴我,這一周到這裡很幸運,天氣很好,沒有霧。有天我們去 Daniel的朋友家,他住在東海岸。房子坐落在中央山上,俯瞰整個金門大橋和三藩市美景。那景色真是太美了!!我和子聰坐在走廊上呼吸著新鮮空氣,向對方說‘這地方是退休和終老的好地方。’公映很順利,很開心在這裡和很多朋友、 Alive粉絲相聚。這種日子很難再有,因為我們不再作為一個組合唱歌了,電影也結束了。未來也難得有我們 4個一起出席活動的機會了,尤其到美國。但是到三藩的旅行實在難忘。 Zachary的批薩是我吃過最好的批薩,不久的將來我一定還會造訪三藩。我想感謝三藩國際電影節每個人的盛情和香港國泰航空的升艙服務。


Blog了。和 Alive团员一起到三藩真愉快,我上次来已经是 10年或 15年前了。那时对这个城市的第一印象是‘漂亮’。多年后来到这里,我还是爱上了它。这城市文化根基很深,建筑都是艺术品。一个朋友告诉我,这一周到这里很幸运,天气很好,没有雾。有天我们去 Daniel的朋友家,他住在东海岸。房子坐落在中央山上,俯瞰整个金门大桥和三藩市美景。那景色真是太美了!!我和子聪坐在走廊上呼吸着新鲜空气,向对方说‘这地方是退休和终老的好地方。’公映很顺利,很开心在这里和很多朋友、 Alive粉丝相聚。这种日子很难再有,因为我们不再作为一个组合唱歌了,电影也结束了。未来也难得有我们 4个一起出席活动的机会了,尤其到美国。

但是到三藩的旅行实在难忘。 Zachary的批萨是我吃过最好的批萨,不久的将来我一定还会造访三藩。我想感谢三藩国际电影节每个人的盛情和香港国泰航空的升舱服务。


接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  26 评论s  0 shares
Conroy c0 conroy
接近 18 年 ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.


Hong Kong
March 23, 2007